Let the camel smile: Friendship and challenges in Eritrea

By Marte Taylor Bye and Erik Dahl (editors)

“Perspiration is running down our foreheads as we climb the steep and dusty high road that leads up to the mountains, away from the asphalt road. We’re in the Horn of Africa, or specifically, in Eritrea …”

This is an exciting country to visit. The unsolved border conflict Eritrea has with neighbouring Ethiopia has severely restricted journeys to the country. At the same time, you meet a friendliness in Eritrea that is hard to find elsewhere in the world. It is easy to make friends. But as a friend you should also commit yourself – to support the Eritreans in a difficult situation.

Published by DRØMSMIA in 2007. ISBN 978-82-995981-7-0. Price NOK 198.

